Source code for antspynet.utilities.quality_assessment

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import ants
import random

def random_mask( x,  n ):
    Subsample voxels from the input mask to create a random mask

    x : ANTsImage (2-D or 3-D)
        input mask.

    n : number of nonzero entries


    >>> image = ants.image_read(ants.get_data("r16"))
    >>> mask = ants.get_mask(image)
    >>> mask = antspynet.random_mask( mask, 5 )
    binvec = np.zeros( xsz )
    if n > xsz:
        return x
    randinds = []
    for k in range( n ):
        randinds.append( random.randint(0, xsz) )
    return xnew

[docs]def tid_neural_image_assessment(image, mask=None, patch_size=101, stride_length=None, padding_size=0, dimensions_to_predict=0, antsxnet_cache_directory=None, which_model="tidsQualityAssessment", image_scaling = [255,127.5], do_patch_scaling=False, no_reconstruction=False, verbose=False): """ Perform MOS-based assessment of an image. Use a ResNet architecture to estimate image quality in 2D or 3D using subjective QC image databases described in or where the image assessment is either "global", i.e., a single number or an image based on the specified patch size. In the 3-D case, neighboring slices are used for each estimate. Note that parameters should be kept as consistent as possible in order to enable comparison. Patch size should be roughly 1/12th to 1/4th of image size to enable locality. A global estimate can be gained by setting patch_size = "global". Arguments --------- image : ANTsImage (2-D or 3-D) input image. mask : ANTsImage (2-D or 3-D) optional mask for designating calculation ROI. patch_size : integer prime number of patch_size. 101 is good. Otherwise, choose "global" for a single global estimate of quality. stride_length : integer or vector of image dimension length optional value to speed up computation (typically less than patch size). padding_size : positive or negative integer or vector of image dimension length de(padding) to remove edge effects. dimensions_to_predict : integer or vector if image dimension is 3, this parameter specifies which dimensions should be used for prediction. If more than one dimension is specified, the results are averaged. antsxnet_cache_directory : string Destination directory for storing the downloaded template and model weights. Since these can be reused, if is None, these data will be downloaded to ~/.keras/ANTsXNet/. which_model : string or tf/keras model model type e.g. string tidsQualityAssessment, koniqMS, koniqMS2 or koniqMS3 where the former predicts mean opinion score (MOS) and MOS standard deviation and the latter koniq models predict mean opinion score (MOS) and sharpness. passing a user-defined model is also valid. image_scaling : a two-vector where the first value is the multiplier and the second value the subtractor so each image will be scaled as img = ants.iMath(img,"Normalize")*m - s. do_patch_scaling :boolean controlling whether each patch is scaled or (if False) only a global scaling of the image is used. no_reconstruction : boolean reconstruction is time consuming - turn this on if you just want the predicted values verbose : boolean Print progress to the screen. Returns ------- List of QC results predicting both both human rater's mean and standard deviation of the MOS ("mean opinion scores") or sharpness depending on the selected network. Both aggregate and spatial scores are returned, the latter in the form of an image. Example ------- >>> image = ants.image_read(ants.get_data("r16")) >>> mask = ants.get_mask(image) >>> tid = tid_neural_image_assessment(image, mask=mask, patch_size=101, stride_length=7) """ from ..utilities import get_pretrained_network from ..utilities import pad_or_crop_image_to_size from ..utilities import extract_image_patches from ..utilities import reconstruct_image_from_patches def is_prime(n): if n == 2 or n == 3: return True if n < 2 or n % 2 == 0: return False if n < 9: return True if n%3 == 0: return False r = int(n ** 0.5) f = 5 while f <= r: if n % f == 0: return False if n % (f + 2) == 0: return False f += 6 return True if type( which_model ) is not type("x"): tid_model = which_model # should be a tf model which_model = "user_defined" valid_models = ("tidsQualityAssessment", "koniqMS", "koniqMS2", "koniqMS3", "user_defined") if not which_model in valid_models: raise ValueError("Please pass valid model") if verbose == True: print("Neural QA: retreiving model and weights.") is_koniq = "koniq" in which_model if which_model != "user_defined": model_and_weights_file_name = get_pretrained_network(which_model, antsxnet_cache_directory=antsxnet_cache_directory) tid_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_and_weights_file_name, compile=False) padding_size_vector = padding_size if isinstance(padding_size, int): padding_size_vector = np.repeat(padding_size, image.dimension) elif len(padding_size) == 1: padding_size_vector = np.repeat(padding_size[0], image.dimension) if isinstance(dimensions_to_predict, int): dimensions_to_predict = (dimensions_to_predict,) padded_image_size = image.shape + padding_size_vector padded_image = pad_or_crop_image_to_size(image, padded_image_size) number_of_channels = 3 if stride_length is None and patch_size != "global": stride_length = round(patch_size / 2) if image.dimension == 3: stride_length = (stride_length, stride_length, 1) ############### # # Global # ############### if which_model == "tidsQualityAssessment": evaluation_image = ants.iMath(padded_image, "Normalize") * 255 if is_koniq: evaluation_image = ants.iMath(padded_image, "Normalize") * 2.0 - 1.0 if which_model == "user_defined": evaluation_image = ants.iMath(padded_image, "Normalize") * image_scaling[0] - image_scaling[1] if patch_size == 'global': if image.dimension == 2: batchX = np.zeros((1, evaluation_image.shape, number_of_channels)) for k in range(3): batchX[0,:,:,k] = evaluation_image.numpy() predicted_data = tid_model.predict(batchX, verbose=verbose) if which_model == "tidsQualityAssessment": return_dict = {'MOS' : None, 'MOS.standardDeviation' : None, 'MOS.mean' : predicted_data[0, 0], 'MOS.standardDeviationMean' : predicted_data[0, 1] } return(return_dict) elif is_koniq or which_model == "user_defined": return_dict = {'MOS.mean' : predicted_data[0, 0], 'sharpness.mean' : predicted_data[0, 1] } return(return_dict) elif image.dimension == 3: mos_mean = 0 mos_standard_deviation = 0 x = tuple(range(image.dimension)) d=0 if True: # for d in 0: # range(len(dimensions_to_predict)): not_padded_image_size = list(padded_image_size) del(not_padded_image_size[dimensions_to_predict[d]]) newsize = not_padded_image_size newsize.insert( 0, padded_image_size[dimensions_to_predict[d]]) newsize.append( number_of_channels) batchX = np.zeros(newsize) for k in range(3): batchX[:,:,:,k] = evaluation_image.numpy() predicted_data = tid_model.predict(batchX, verbose=verbose) mos_mean += predicted_data[0, 0] mos_standard_deviation += predicted_data[0, 1] mos_mean /= len(dimensions_to_predict) mos_standard_deviation /= len(dimensions_to_predict) if which_model == "tidsQualityAssessment": return_dict = {'MOS.mean' : mos_mean, 'MOS.standardDeviationMean' : mos_standard_deviation } return(return_dict) else : return_dict = {'MOS.mean' : mos_mean, 'sharpness.mean' : mos_standard_deviation } return(return_dict) ############### # # Patchwise # ############### else: # if not is_prime(patch_size): # print("patch_size should be a prime number: 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97...") stride_length_vector = stride_length if isinstance(stride_length, int): if image.dimension == 2: stride_length_vector = (stride_length, stride_length) elif len(stride_length) == 1: if image.dimension == 2: stride_length_vector = (stride_length[0], stride_length[0]) patch_size_vector = (patch_size, patch_size) if image.dimension == 2: dimensions_to_predict = (1,) permutations = list() mos = image * 0 mos_standard_deviation = image * 0 for d in range(len(dimensions_to_predict)): if image.dimension == 3: permutations.append((0, 1, 2)) permutations.append((0, 2, 1)) permutations.append((1, 2, 0)) if dimensions_to_predict[d] == 0: patch_size_vector = (patch_size, patch_size, number_of_channels) if isinstance(stride_length, int): stride_length_vector = (stride_length, stride_length, 1) elif dimensions_to_predict[d] == 1: patch_size_vector = (patch_size, number_of_channels, patch_size) if isinstance(stride_length, int): stride_length_vector = (stride_length, 1, stride_length) elif dimensions_to_predict[d] == 2: patch_size_vector = (number_of_channels, patch_size, patch_size) if isinstance(stride_length, int): stride_length_vector = (1, stride_length, stride_length) else: raise ValueError("dimensions_to_predict elements should be 1, 2, and/or 3 for 3-D image.") if mask is None: patches = extract_image_patches(evaluation_image, patch_size=patch_size_vector, stride_length=stride_length_vector, return_as_array=False) else: patches = extract_image_patches(evaluation_image, patch_size=patch_size_vector, max_number_of_patches=int((mask==1).sum()), return_as_array=False, mask_image=mask, randomize=False ) batchX = np.zeros((len(patches), patch_size, patch_size, number_of_channels)) verbose=False if verbose: print("Predict begin") is_good_patch = np.repeat(False, len(patches)) for i in range(len(patches)): if patches[i].var() > 0: is_good_patch[i] = True patch_image = patches[i] patch_image = patch_image - patch_image.min() if patch_image.max() > 0: if which_model == "tidsQualityAssessment" and do_patch_scaling: patch_image = patch_image / patch_image.max() * 255 elif is_koniq and do_patch_scaling: patch_image = patch_image / patch_image.max() * 2.0 - 1.0 elif which_model == "user_defined" and do_patch_scaling: patch_image = patch_image / patch_image.max() * image_scaling[0] - image_scaling[1] if image.dimension == 2: for j in range(number_of_channels): batchX[i,:,:,j] = patch_image elif image.dimension == 3: batchX[i,:,:,:] = np.transpose(np.squeeze(patch_image), permutations[dimensions_to_predict[d]]) good_batchX = batchX[is_good_patch,:,:,:] predicted_data = tid_model.predict(good_batchX, verbose=verbose) if no_reconstruction: return predicted_data if verbose: print("Predict done") patches_mos = list() patches_mos_standard_deviation = list() zero_patch_image = patch_image * 0 count = 0 for i in range(len(patches)): if is_good_patch[i]: patches_mos.append(zero_patch_image + predicted_data[count, 0]) patches_mos_standard_deviation.append(zero_patch_image + predicted_data[count, 1]) count += 1 else: patches_mos.append(zero_patch_image) patches_mos_standard_deviation.append(zero_patch_image) if verbose: print("reconstruct") if mask is None: mos += pad_or_crop_image_to_size(reconstruct_image_from_patches( patches_mos, evaluation_image, stride_length=stride_length_vector), image.shape) mos_standard_deviation += pad_or_crop_image_to_size(reconstruct_image_from_patches( patches_mos_standard_deviation, evaluation_image, stride_length=stride_length_vector), image.shape) else: mos += pad_or_crop_image_to_size(reconstruct_image_from_patches( patches_mos, mask, domain_image_is_mask=True), image.shape) mos_standard_deviation += pad_or_crop_image_to_size(reconstruct_image_from_patches( patches_mos_standard_deviation, mask, domain_image_is_mask=True), image.shape) mos /= len(dimensions_to_predict) mos_standard_deviation /= len(dimensions_to_predict) if mask is None: if which_model == "tidsQualityAssessment": return_dict = {'MOS' : mos, 'MOS.standardDeviation' : mos_standard_deviation, 'MOS.mean' : mos.mean(), 'MOS.standardDeviationMean' : mos_standard_deviation.mean() } return(return_dict) elif is_koniq or which_model == 'user_defined': return_dict = {'MOS' : mos, 'sharpness' : mos_standard_deviation, 'MOS.mean' : mos.mean(), 'sharpness.mean' : mos_standard_deviation.mean() } return(return_dict) else: if which_model == "tidsQualityAssessment": return_dict = {'MOS' : mos, 'MOS.standardDeviation' : mos_standard_deviation, 'MOS.mean' : (mos[mask >= 0.5]).mean(), 'MOS.standardDeviationMean' : (mos_standard_deviation[mask >= 0.5]).mean() } return(return_dict) elif is_koniq or which_model == 'user_defined': return_dict = {'MOS' : mos, 'sharpness' : mos_standard_deviation, 'MOS.mean' : (mos[mask >= 0.5]).mean(), 'sharpness.mean' : (mos_standard_deviation[mask >= 0.5]).mean() } return(return_dict)