Source code for antspynet.utilities.neural_style_transfer

import numpy as np
import time
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.applications import vgg19
import tensorflow.keras.backend as K

import ants

[docs]def neural_style_transfer(content_image, style_images, initial_combination_image=None, number_of_iterations=10, learning_rate=1.0, total_variation_weight=8.5e-5, content_weight=0.025, style_image_weights=1.0, content_layer_names=[ 'block5_conv2'], style_layer_names="all", content_mask=None, style_masks=None, use_shifted_activations=True, use_chained_inference=True, verbose=False, output_prefix=None): """ The popular neural style transfer described here: and and taken from François Chollet's implementation and titu1994's modifications: in order to possibly modify and experiment with medical images. Arguments --------- content_image : ANTsImage (1 or 3-component) Content (or base) image. style_images : ANTsImage or list of ANTsImages Style (or reference) image. initial_combination_image : ANTsImage (1 or 3-component) Starting point for the optimization. Allows one to start from the output from a previous run. Otherwise, start from the content image. Note that the original paper starts with a noise image. number_of_iterations : integer Number of gradient steps taken during optimization. learning_rate : float Parameter for Adam optimization. total_variation_weight : float A penalty on the regularization term to keep the features of the output image locally coherent. content_weight : float Weight of the content layers in the optimization function. style_image_weights : float or list of floats Weights of the style term in the optimization function for each style image. Can either specify a single scalar to be used for all the images or one for each image. The style term computes the sum of the L2 norm between the Gram matrices of the different layers (using ImageNet-trained VGG) of the style and content images. content_layer_names : list of strings Names of VGG layers from which to compute the content loss. style_layer_names : list of strings Names of VGG layers from which to compute the style loss. If "all", the layers used are ['block1_conv1', 'block1_conv2', 'block2_conv1', 'block2_conv2', 'block3_conv1', 'block3_conv2', 'block3_conv3', 'block3_conv4', 'block4_conv1', 'block4_conv2', 'block4_conv3', 'block4_conv4', 'block5_conv1', 'block5_conv2', 'block5_conv3', 'block5_conv4']. This is a proposed improvement from In the original implementation, the layers used are: ['block1_conv1', 'block2_conv1', 'block3_conv1', 'block4_conv1', 'block5_conv1']. content_mask : ANTsImage Specify the region for content consideration. style_masks : ANTsImage or list of ANTsImages Specify the region for style consideration. use_shifted_activations : boolean Use shifted activations in calculating the Gram matrix (improvement mentioned in use_chained_inference : boolean Another proposed improvement from verbose : boolean Print progress to the screen. output_prefix : string If specified, outputs a png image to disk at each iteration. Returns ------- ANTs 3-component image. Example ------- >>> image = neural_style_transfer(content_image, style_image) """ def preprocess_ants_image(image, do_scale_and_center=True): array = None if image.components == 1: array = image.numpy() array = np.expand_dims(array, 2) array = np.repeat(array, 3, 2) elif image.components == 3: vector_image = image image_channels = ants.split_channels(vector_image) array = np.concatenate([np.expand_dims(image_channels[0].numpy(), axis=2), np.expand_dims(image_channels[1].numpy(), axis=2), np.expand_dims(image_channels[2].numpy(), axis=2)], axis=2) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected number of components.") if do_scale_and_center == True: for i in range(3): array[:,:,i] = (array[:,:,i] - array[:,:,i].min()) / (array[:,:,i].max() - array[:,:,i].min()) array *= 255.0 # RGB -> BGR array = array[:, :, ::-1] array[:, :, 0] -= 103.939 array[:, :, 1] -= 116.779 array[:, :, 2] -= 123.68 array = np.expand_dims(array, 0) return(array) def postprocess_array(array, reference_image): array = np.squeeze(array) array[:, :, 0] += 103.939 array[:, :, 1] += 116.779 array[:, :, 2] += 123.68 # BGR -> RGB array = array[:, :, ::-1] array = np.clip(array, 0, 255) image = ants.from_numpy(array, origin=reference_image.origin, spacing=reference_image.spacing, direction=reference_image.direction, has_components=True) return(image) def gram_matrix(x, shifted_activations=False): F = K.batch_flatten( K.permute_dimensions(x, (2, 0, 1))) if shifted_activations: F = F - 1 gram =, K.transpose(F)) return(gram) def process_mask(mask, shape): mask_processed = (tf.image.resize(mask, size=[shape[0], shape[1]], method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)).numpy() mask_processed_tensor = np.empty(shape) for i in range(shape[2]): mask_processed_tensor[:, :, i] = mask_processed[:, :, 0] return(mask_processed_tensor) def style_loss(style_features, combination_features, image_shape, style_mask=None, content_mask=None): if content_mask is not None: mask_tensor = K.variable(process_mask(content_mask, combination_features.shape)) combination_features = combination_features * K.stop_gradient(mask_tensor) del mask_tensor if style_mask is not None: mask_tensor = K.variable(process_mask(style_mask, style_features.shape)) style_features = style_features * K.stop_gradient(mask_tensor) if content_mask is not None: combination_features = combination_features * K.stop_gradient(mask_tensor) del mask_tensor style_gram = gram_matrix(style_features, use_shifted_activations) content_gram = gram_matrix(combination_features, use_shifted_activations) size = image_shape[0] * image_shape[1] number_of_channels = 3 loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(style_gram - content_gram)) / (4.0 * (number_of_channels ** 2) * (size ** 2)) return(loss) def content_loss(content_features, combination_features): loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(content_features - combination_features)) return(loss) def total_variation_loss(x): shape=x.shape a = tf.square(x[:, :(shape[1] - 1), :(shape[2] - 1), :] - x[:, 1:, :(shape[2] - 1), :]) b = tf.square(x[:, :(shape[1] - 1), :(shape[2] - 1), :] - x[:, :(shape[1] - 1), 1:, :]) loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(a + b, 1.25)) return(loss) def compute_total_loss(content_array, style_array_list, combination_tensor, feature_model, content_layer_names, style_layer_names, image_shape, content_mask_tensor=None, style_mask_tensor_list=None): number_of_style_images = len(style_array_list) input_arrays = list() input_arrays.append(content_array) for i in range(number_of_style_images): input_arrays.append(style_array_list[i]) input_arrays.append(combination_tensor) input_tensor = tf.concat(input_arrays, axis=0) features = feature_model(input_tensor) total_loss = tf.zeros(shape=()) # content loss for i in range(len(content_layer_names)): layer_features = features[content_layer_names[i]] content_features = layer_features[0,:, :, :] combination_features = layer_features[2, :, :, :] total_loss = total_loss + (content_loss(content_features, combination_features) * content_weight / len(content_layer_names)) # style loss if use_chained_inference: for i in range(len(style_layer_names) - 1): layer_features = features[style_layer_names[i]] style_features = layer_features[1:(number_of_style_images + 1), :, :, :] combination_features = layer_features[number_of_style_images + 1, :, :, :] loss = list() for j in range(number_of_style_images): if style_mask_tensor_list is None: loss.append(style_loss(style_features[j], combination_features, image_shape, style_mask=None, content_mask=content_mask_tensor)) else: loss.append(style_loss(style_features[j], combination_features, image_shape, style_mask=style_mask_tensor_list[j], content_mask=content_mask_tensor)) layer_features = features[style_layer_names[i+1]] style_features = layer_features[1:(number_of_style_images + 1), :, :, :] combination_features = layer_features[number_of_style_images + 1, :, :, :] loss_p1 = list() for j in range(number_of_style_images): if style_mask_tensor_list is None: loss_p1.append(style_loss(style_features[j], combination_features, image_shape, style_mask=None, content_mask=content_mask_tensor)) else: loss_p1.append(style_loss(style_features[j], combination_features, image_shape, style_mask=style_mask_tensor_list[j], content_mask=content_mask_tensor)) for j in range(number_of_style_images): loss_difference = loss[j] - loss_p1[j] total_loss = total_loss + (style_image_weights[j] * loss_difference / (2 ** (len(style_layer_names) - (i + 1)))) else: for i in range(len(style_layer_names)): layer_features = features[style_layer_names[i]] style_features = layer_features[1:(number_of_style_images + 1), :, :, :] combination_features = layer_features[number_of_style_images + 1, :, :, :] for j in range(number_of_style_images): loss = list() if style_mask_tensor_list is None: loss.append(style_loss(style_features[j], combination_features, image_shape, style_mask=None, content_mask=content_mask_tensor)) else: loss.append(style_loss(style_features[j], combination_features, image_shape, style_mask=style_mask_tensor_list[j], content_mask=content_mask_tensor)) for j in range(number_of_style_images): total_loss = total_loss + (loss[j] * style_image_weights[j] / len(style_layer_names)) # total variation loss total_loss = total_loss + total_variation_weight * total_variation_loss(combination_tensor) return(total_loss) def compute_loss_and_gradients(content_array, style_array_list, combination_tensor, feature_model, content_layer_names, style_layer_names, image_shape, content_mask_tensor=None, style_mask_tensor_list=None): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: loss = compute_total_loss(content_array, style_array_list, combination_tensor, feature_model, content_layer_names, style_layer_names, image_shape, content_mask_tensor, style_mask_tensor_list) gradients = tape.gradient(loss, combination_tensor) return loss, gradients number_of_style_images = 1 if isinstance(style_images, list): number_of_style_images = len(style_images) style_image_list = list() if number_of_style_images == 1: style_image_list.append(style_images) else: style_image_list = style_images for i in range(number_of_style_images): if style_image_list[i].dimension != 2: raise ValueError("Input style images must be 2-D.") if style_image_list[i].shape != content_image.shape: raise ValueError("Input images must have matching dimensions/shapes.") number_of_style_masks = 0 style_mask_tensor_list = None if style_masks is not None: number_of_style_masks = 1 if isinstance(style_masks, list): number_of_style_masks = len(style_masks) style_mask_tensor_list = list() if number_of_style_masks == 1: style_mask_array = (ants.threshold_image(style_masks, 0, 0, 0, 1)).numpy() style_mask_tensor = np.expand_dims(style_mask_array, -1) style_mask_tensor_list.append(style_mask_tensor) else: for i in range(len(style_masks)): style_mask_array = (ants.threshold_image(style_masks[i], 0, 0, 0, 1)).numpy() style_mask_tensor = np.expand_dims(style_mask_array, -1) style_mask_tensor_list.append(style_mask_tensor) if number_of_style_masks > 0 and number_of_style_images != number_of_style_masks: raise ValueError("The number of style images/masks are not the same.") if isinstance(style_image_weights, (int, float)): style_image_weights = [style_image_weights] * len(style_image_list) else: if len(style_image_weights) == 1: style_image_weights = style_image_weights * len(style_image_list) elif not len(style_image_weights) == len(style_image_list): raise ValueError("Length of style weights must be 1 or the number of style images.") if content_image.dimension != 2: raise ValueError("Input content image must be 2-D.") content_mask_tensor = None if content_mask is not None: content_mask_array = (ants.threshold_image(content_mask, 0, 0, 0, 1)).numpy() content_mask_tensor = np.expand_dims(content_mask_array, -1) if style_layer_names == "all": style_layer_names = ['block1_conv1', 'block1_conv2', 'block2_conv1', 'block2_conv2', 'block3_conv1', 'block3_conv2', 'block3_conv3', 'block3_conv4', 'block4_conv1', 'block4_conv2', 'block4_conv3', 'block4_conv4', 'block5_conv1', 'block5_conv2', 'block5_conv3', 'block5_conv4'] model = vgg19.VGG19(weights="imagenet", include_top=False) outputs_dictionary = dict([(, layer.output) for layer in model.layers]) # shapes_dictionary = dict([(, layer.output_shape) for layer in model.layers]) feature_model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=model.inputs, outputs=outputs_dictionary) # Preprocess data content_array = preprocess_ants_image(content_image) style_array_list = list() for i in range(number_of_style_images): style_array_list.append(preprocess_ants_image(style_image_list[i])) image_shape = (content_array.shape[1], content_array.shape[2], 3) combination_tensor = None if initial_combination_image is None: combination_tensor = tf.Variable(np.copy(content_array)) else: initial_combination_tensor = preprocess_ants_image(initial_combination_image, do_scale_and_center=False) combination_tensor = tf.Variable(initial_combination_tensor) if not image_shape == (combination_tensor.shape[1], combination_tensor.shape[2], 3): raise ValueError("Initial combination image size does not match content image.") optimizer = tf.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate, beta_1=0.99, epsilon=0.1) for i in range(number_of_iterations): start_time = time.time() loss, gradients = compute_loss_and_gradients(content_array, style_array_list, combination_tensor, feature_model, content_layer_names, style_layer_names, image_shape, content_mask_tensor, style_mask_tensor_list) end_time = time.time() if verbose == True: print("Iteration %d of %d: total loss = %.2f (elapsed time = %ds)" % (i, number_of_iterations, loss, end_time - start_time)) optimizer.apply_gradients([(gradients, combination_tensor)]) if not output_prefix == None: combination_array = combination_tensor.numpy() combination_image = postprocess_array(combination_array, content_image) combination_rgb = combination_image.vector_to_rgb() ants.image_write(combination_rgb, output_prefix + "_iteration%d.png" % (i + 1)) combination_array = combination_tensor.numpy() combination_image = postprocess_array(combination_array, content_image) return(combination_image)